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Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologists have a duty of care to their clients. This includes adhering to their accepted scope of practice, practicing ethically, and maintaining clinical competencies.



























CEPNZ was officially accepted as a Registered Incorporated Society in January 2013. A key part of the role of the founding CEPNZ Board was to establish a Scope of Practice and competencies document and a process to achieve this. A draft Scope of Practice was established in 2013 and this was discussed and finessed by CEPNZ board and members who were asked to provide feedback. The draft document was then accepted by the Board in 2014 and was then opened up for stakeholder feedback and consultation in early 2015. Minor adjustments were made to the scope document and it was then ratified at the CEPNZ Board Meeting in June 2015. Further changes were approved at the CEPNZ Board meeting in June 2017. The latest Standards document can be found here.

Running Shoes


Clinical Exercise Physiologists in NZ have expertise in the assessment and prescription of exercise for individuals across their lifespan to reduce the risk of disease related to physical inactivity and to improve the exercise capacity of people with chronic medical conditions. 

Doctor adjusting balance on weighing scale


All clinical exercise physiologists registered with CEPNZ, including those who may not be engaged directly in clinical practice, will acknowledge and accept the following Principles of Ethical Behaviour.

Physical Therapy


Registered clinical exercise physiologists are assessed on the following clinical competencies before being registered and are required to maintain their clinical practice in accordance with these.

Hand on Laptop


Anyone can make a complaint in writing to the CEPNZ Board regarding the behaviour of a registered member of CEPNZ. 

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